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Showing posts from May, 2005
Poor thing was probably caught by one of my cats. In fact, I had to pull one out of Tufty's mouth today. I took the picture because of the fly.  
Mosquito with fuzzy antennas. So much of everything this spring from all the rain and having it come so late in May. 
armored yellow bug with black spots 
tiny bug with a fat butt 
Here's another shot of the bike ramps with the barn swallows wheeling overhead. They use the mud for their nests. I bet they eat some bugs while they are at it. 
bmx bike ramps made of the clay soil called hard pan. Even rain doesn't dissolve it much.  
small sailboat for Sea Scouts. "Chrysler" 
artemesia absinthium AKA wormwood, absinth 
red rose 
I couldn't resist. My Mom had a green pinto in the '70's. I didn't know they made a station wagon version. Not that I really care, it just caught my eye. Pinto Squire. Heh. 
Here's a shot of the axle, the outer sleeve is torn. Look at that amazing patina! 
Lucie's axle is not in good condition. Got replaced with another one, used, but in much better shape. It's still a little wobbly, but better than before. 
ant and another bug I don't know, hanging out on an anemone flower head 
red-black beetle 
spider-fu on a caterpiller 
Mother spider-all those lumps on her back must be babies. 
wildflower: iris...seemed like it was more blue in real life... 
wildflower: monkey flower? 
native grasses. I love the rattler tail.  
wildflower: vetch and buttercup-types, etc. 
insects gettin jiggy on a dandilion varient 
rose growing on the trellis - Brookhill 
evil weevils mating. They drill into the Hollyhock seeds. 
wildflower: red variation of a very small pea-type flower. Only one red like this-the rest were purple