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Showing posts from April, 2006

glug glug

Lake level is getting very close to flood stage

Neopolitan Labs

Analogue Systems modules--a large system--some Doepfer too. Josh intends to look into all modular synths, although he prefers unique pieces. That must explain why he's so fond of Metasonix.

Neopolitan Labs, SF

Macbeth M5--in a closet, for lack of space in the main room. Josh said he was preparing to renovate and rearrange the house's interior for better use of the space. The walls will be lined with analog equipment. Eric with Josh, Brice and Cory in the main room. Brice and Cory in front of assorted Vermona, a Red Square, and a Studio Electronics Omega(?). Josh with cables overhead. This house has to be 100 years old, and it shows it. You can see better photos of their equipment at their site, Neopolitan Labs .

Neopolitan Labs, SF

This is looking toward the street-side windows. The mixer is to the LH side. He doesn't mind using a PC to record sound, but Josh isn't very happy with the software synthesizers available--and he's tried a lot of them. He wants only real analog stuff. Look at the awesome display of Metasonix modules! He likes Moogerfoogers too. But not a virtual pedal or virtual synth in sight. Everything we saw was hardcore, top-end analog. It's nice to have such a dedicated fan. We're still trying to figure out why he loves the TM-6 filter so much. He bought SIXTEEN of them