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Ruthie's Inn Memorial at NIMBY, Oakland

Ruthie's Inn Memorial Show at NIMBY, Oakland. Sept 23 2006

Who needs a high school renunion when an event like this happens! Old core bands and a funky wherehouse and about 2000 people is about all it takes. Some of these bands i haven't seen since i was my son's age!
My buddy, Pierre, was the first person i ran into that i knew while waiting for the show to happen. It wasnt clear at first just where to enter. It was a gap between two fences...When we did, we had to sign waivers and no ins and outs. The show was delayed by a good hour and a half while they were still setting up the stage and moving various cargo around the wherehouse, in the midst of the early crowd. The bar was pushing "punk rock punch" - a rum vodka fruit drink out of a huge pot. They had a skateramp in the back along with a fire barrel and 3 portapotties. That's right, 3 portapotties for 2000 people. It was a good mix of young and olders. Too bad i pussied out at 3:30 am and didnt make it to the end of the show (5:30!).

wee fire

MDC opened

My son and his buddy had a lot of fun in the mosh pit


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